


TransAnatolia 2021 has finished in Kars

TransAnatolia Rally Raid 2021, which was postponed to September due to the forest fires in August, took place between September 11-18, 2021, with the participation of important names from the automobile and motor sports world in Italy, Holland and UK as well as Turkey. This year, 40 motorcycles, 19 automobiles, 4 SSVs, 5 Quads and […]

8th day / September 18, Saturday / Finish

The eighth and final day of the race starts at 09:00 from Sarıkamış. The only special stage of the day passes through Mount Allahüekber covering a distance of 112 km with a day total of 195 km. The most exciting times of the day will take place at 14:10 during the finish ceremony at Kars. […]

7th day / September 17, Friday

The seventh day of the race takes start at 08.00 from Erzurum ski facility. The stages of Narman, Topyolu, Sarıkamış cover a distance of 212km with a day total of 293km. The racers will end the day at Sarıkamış.

6th day / September 16, Thursday

The racers will start the day from the Refahiye Dumanlı National Park at 07.00 passing through the stages of Yassıçemen, Otlukbeli, Karasu covering a total distance of 193 km for a day total of 339 km. Ending the day at Erzurum ski facility, the racers will pass 6th night at a hotel.

5th day / September 15, Wednesday

On the fifth morning of the race, the racers will take start on 08.00 from Mount Yıldız. Covering a distance of 249 km through the special stages of Dipsiz Göl, Kösedağı and Kızıldağ the day covers a total distance of 288 km. As we near the end of the race, 86 % of the stage […]

4th day / September 14, Tuesday

The fourth day of the race starts at 07.00 from Çorum passing through the special stages of Çorum, Hititler and Mount Yıldız respectively. The total distance of special stages is 217 km with a total for the day of 336 km. The racers will camp at the Mount Yıldız ski facility.  

3rd day / September 13, Monday

On the third day of the race, the racers will start the day at 06:00 at the Sorgun Lake camp area. This is the longest stage of the race covering a distance of 482 km. The total distance of the Çerkeş, Kurşunlu and İstiklal special stages is 290 km. At night, the racers will rest […]

2nd day / September 12, Sunday

Taking start on the morning of September 12, Sunday from Eskişehir, the racers will traverse a total of 270 kms including the special stages of Eskişehir, Nallıhan, Kızılcahamam covering a distance of 346 km, at the end of the first day of the difficult race, the racers will rest at the Sorgun lake camp area. […]

1st day / September 11, Saturday

TransAnatolia’s ceremonial start will take place on September 11, Saturday at 5 pm at Eskişehir Odunpazarı. The starting qualifications for the race on September 12 will be clarified following the 8,5 km long ETİ prologue stage.